International shipping is oftentimes misunderstood. In fact, there are countless businesses that can benefit from implementing import and export procedures but do not do it because they believe something that is incorrect.
There are some factors that you want to take into 중국배대지 account and that are correct. For instance, shipping cost differences can easily appear when comparing different countries and products. Also, it is possible that you get location differences. When you ship something from New Zealand to Australia you might pay a price but when you ship the same items from Australia to New Zealand, the price tag might be different.
Below we will not talk about the facts that you already know. We will focus on 3 international shipping myths that need to disappear.
You Have To Deal With Hefty Paperwork
Most business owners believe that international shipping involves countless forms and basically a lot of paperwork. If a lot of paperwork would be in place, the shipment is going to take forever. This is not actually the case.
The truth is that most international shipments just require a few documents. When you work with a highly trusted shipping partner, your life will be a lot easier. Basically, it is the freight operator that should take care of all the paperwork for you. This offers improved clarity about duties with customs.
You Are Charged More Based On Product Numbers
When you ship something, it is normal for the freight forwarder to take into account package sizes and weights. However, numbers of products shipped do not count when looking at shipping costs. A huge part of shipping cost is actually package size and dimension. Most of the carriers will fix shipping charges based on box dimensions.
Remember that most shipping companies offer estimated shipping costs that you can check before agreeing with the terms of the contract you sign. Also, it is a very good idea to let the shipping firm handle packaging. This is because of the experience factor, which would lead to minimal pay amounts.
International Shipping Is Very Expensive
Obviously, international shipping costs more than regular, domestic shipping. This is completely normal. However, many service providers nowadays offer incredible rates for shipping various products. There are also some extra offers that exist when some conditions are in place.
Keep in mind that the competition between the freight forwarders is very high. This is especially the case when dealing with unexpected situations that lead to lower shipment volumes, like the current coronavirus pandemic